Healthtrek Healthcare LLP


If the customer chooses to cancel the order before the product is shipped, he will be entitled to a 100% refund. In case the product is shipped then the policy as mentioned above will be applicable.

If you require any more information or have any questions about our Returns & Cancellation policy, please feel free to contact us by email or
call us on  +91 9920788050 (10AM-6PM).

PAYMENT is committed to provide you safe way of transacting online. All your transactions online are protected & secured by SSL. It encrypts your credit card and relevant information during the entire transaction process. This encryption makes your shopping experience safe and secure.

Credit Cards/ Debit Cards: Pay using all major banks Visa/ MasterCard credit cards.

ATM & Debit Cards: Pay using ATM & Debit Cards.

Net Banking: All major net banking accounts are accepted.

Cash on Delivery (COD): Presently this payment method is NOT available