We strive hard to keep your health on trek
Healthtrek has been in healthcare and wellness space, with gross experience and expertise of over 5 decades in healthcare and various industries, we would like to bring Values and experience to our customers. We serve Corporates, Individuals, Institutes, Hospitals, Physiotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Rehabilitation Centres and Sports communities.
Determined to provide consumer centred Sports, Hydrotherapy, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Healthcare products with excellence in quality, Service and access.
We have been an established and popular company with an excellent track record for the best
We have never compromised on the quality and the services provided to the customer. We believe in keeping the customers happy and providing them with best quality products at a very competent price. We have an excellent team who has strong experience and track record of launching new businesses and brands. We are experts in health and wellness space. We look forward to a wonderful relationship together and success for all concerned. We’re in for a sporting good time.
We are experts in health and wellness space. We look forward to a wonderful relationship together and success for all concerned. We’re in for a sporting good time.
We also passed ISO9001 / 2015 management system certification.
“There’s nothing more important than our good health – that’s our principal capital asset.” – Arlen Specter
To provide CONSUMER-centred Sports, Rehabilitation and Healthcare Products with excellence in quality, service, and access.
A community in which all people achieve their full potential for health and well-being across the lifespan. We work to be trusted by CONSUMERS, a valued partner in the community, and creators of positive change.
Communication, Trust, Honesty, Integrity, Passion, Innovation, Knowledge.
COMMUNICATION: To have open and honest communication within our company, and with our clients, to ensure we are aligned and exceeding expectations every day.
TRUST: To build and maintain trust with our clients, vendors/partners, and with all stakeholders within our organization.
HONESTY: To consistently be honest with our clients, each other and ourselves about the work we do, the effort we put in and our shared vision.
INTEGRITY: To have integrity, strive to always “do the right thing” and treat our clients, our employees and our vendors with respect.
PASSION: To display the passion we have to succeed, to do our best, and create products and services that deliver value.
INNOVATION: To provide our clients creative and innovative products and solutions to produce the best results possible and challenge each other to think outside of the box.
KNOWLEDGE: To always look to expand our knowledge and improve our understanding of our areas of expertise, our client’s, community and the global marketplace in order to better serve our clients and continually evolve our company.
The CONSUMER always comes first. We are dedicated to health care.
We treat each person with respect and dignity.
We are compassionate listeners. We hear the issues of our CONSUMERS respect them, and do everything in our power to help.
We provide CONSUMER-centered service. People who come to Healthtrek can expect polite, friendly helpful team members who relate to each person as an individual, recognizing their needs. We go the extra mile to meet their expectations.
We keep ourselves well educated so that we can apply new developments in our fields. We use innovative approaches to health care and CONSUMER service.
The diverse people who come to Healthtrek see themselves reflected in our work. We seek diversity in our team and value their abilities to enhance communication with CONSUMERS. We create an environment that reflects diversity. We actively engage in multiple cultures in the community.
We seek direction from CONSUMERS through their guidance as members of our Board; we seek direction from other contacts using multiple methods.
We believe that all individuals deserve to have access to Healthtrek products and that our systems should reflect this value.
We continuously examine the products and services we provide and what is needed in the community. We look for cracks/gaps in the health care system, fill those, and move to fill new ones. When other community resources develop to address those needs, we make intentional decisions to apply our resources differently.
We believe that providing high quality, accessible healthcare products is our reason for being. We seek to be a model for healthcare community.
We use a team approach to provide best health care products and services, and involve the CONSUMER as part of our team.
We have a commitment to serving the community and providing open access to Healthtrek for all community members.
Involvement by our staff in the community enhances our ability to provide exclusive, innovative and effective health care products. Improving the community will improve the health of our CONSUMERS.
Partnerships with government and other community organizations will multiply the resources for and the effectiveness of our work.
By instilling confidence in our CONSUMERS, they will become positive forces in the community and contribute to the health of others.
In all we do, we actively pursue excellence and search for the next level of accomplishment.
We bring the FISH philosophy to our work: Be there for the CONSUMERS. Choose your attitude. Have fun.
We take pride in our work.
We create a dynamic, forward-moving, innovative organization.
Our integrity and ethics will never be compromised.
We are good stewards of limited resources so that we can most effectively meet the many needs of our CONSUMERS and the community. At the same time, caring for people is our primary focus.
We are as respectful, friendly, helpful, and supportive to one another as we are to our CONSUMERS. Teamwork is central to our work. We each take the responsibility to contribute effectively to teams.
We each are dedicated to Healthtrek, to our CONSUMERS, and to the community.
We share a common mission of serving others through spirit-based leadership.
We recognize and appreciate the contributions and accomplishments of individuals and teams.
We seek and reward suggestions and innovation.
We have a strong work ethic, yet we don’t stifle our individual personalities.
Fun and humor are healthy for us and for our CONSUMERS. We intentionally incorporate fun into the Healthtrek environment.